Fabric Needle And Thread Guide
Know which Needle and Thread to use with which Fabric everytime.
No more messy sewing.

You might be thinking...
How important is it that I get the thread and needle right? It is such a pain changing it every time I use a different my fabric.
Spoiler Alert: Yes it is important!
When you are not sure which Needle Type and Size or Thread Type to use with your Fabric this Reference Guide will help.
Picture this
You have your son's wedding in two days and he has asked you to sew a pocket square for him, one that matches his fiancée's dress.
The fabric is a silk cotton. You want it to look like you bought it.
On the day of his wedding, you unwrap it and place it into his chest pocket, kiss him on the check and tell him how happy you are for him. He loves it.
Here is how you sew your garments neatly every time

Download the Fabric Needle Thread Guide
Twenty different fabrics types with needle type, needle size and thread type recommendation.

Print and Pin it up
Print it out and pin it up in your sewing room - a place you can see it easily.

Sew with Confidence
No more frustration searching online for the correct needle thread combo. Neat sewing all the way.
That is right
You can start and finish your sewing project knowing that you have everything you need to finish it like a pro.
x - without hours of searching
x - without second guessing yourself
x - without a frustrating mess
x - without wasting time + money

Download Fabric Needle and Thread Guide
No more mess.
A free reference guide to help you keep your sewing neat and tidy.
This might be the best news you have heard this week
Best one pager you have seen.
You will use it every time you sew - for you that might be every day!
What People Say About The Guide...
Fabrics included in the list
Cotton Canvas
Satin and Silk
Muslin or Gauze

This List Is A Handy One
Everytime we make something for someone, another love story is created.
Thank you for creating another love story and bringing it into our world.
If you care to, share a picture with me or tag me in on it. Here is my Instagram account.
Every fabric pattern on this page has been designed by Jane Harbison. If you see any designs you like feel free to get in touch via the contact page.