Sneak look inside
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this journal unique?
- Before I became a surface and sewing pattern designer I taught girls (tweens and teens) how to be creative. Over 7 years I ran a lot of workshops and activities that encouraged them to put the creative process into action. They were both physical and online workshops.
- One of those workshops was designing a mood-board for their bedroom based around a "feeling" word. How did they want their room to make them feel?
- At this age their room is one of the few spaces they have influence over. If they can successfully design a space that makes them "feel" how they want to feel then they could take those principles into other parts of their life.
- Little did the girls know, that with every workshop during those years they were inspiring the uniqueness of this journal. Each girl interpreted that feeling differently. For example, where ‘happiness’ was loud and bright for some, for others it was soft and pastel. This was the inspiration for creating pages within the journal that evoke different moods.
- I could not reach everyone through my workshops and events, so I wanted to create an inspiring ‘mobile space’ in the shape of a Journal for Girls. It is a place to practice creativity in your own time and place.
- There are no inspirational quotes, lists or to-dos. Just a blank canvas, spattered with unique design and bursts of colour – some bold some subtle. Let your mood take you to a new page.
- Girls were invited to participate in “The Design Team” of this journal which 16 seized the opportunity. They are all listed in the back of the journal. They helped us refine our thinking and contribute to colour, content and cover design, all brought together by the talented graphic designer Renee Rogers.
- I am blessed to be able to share this with you. It is a journal for all ages, not just girls.
What language is this journal in?
There is very little text in the journal, but where there is, it is in English.
Who is Dreaming Big For Little Girls?
Dreaming Big For Little Girls is the brand on the Journal. It was a business I ran under the Jane Harbison Design banner. (you will notice the characteristic "XO" in it's logo.)
For 7 years I taught girls (tweens and teens) how to be creative. I taught them a 5 step creative process Saturate, Percolate, Create, Celebrate and Rejuvenate in a fun and unobtrusive way.
At the time I was also on boards of independent schools. I did this for 17 years. Creativity was not taught well. Its value in the curriculum is changing but I felt their was an avenue for teaching a process for solving any problem or seizing any opportunity with originality and calm.
Sir Ken Robinson defines creativity best "Creativity is the process of original ideas that add value." Therefore, creativity:
- Is a Process
- Is Original
- Has Value
You will see me go through this purpose and process with you when creating capsule wardrobes and completing sewing projects. When we do our efforts are rewarded handsomely.
So although Dreaming Big For Little Girls no longer exists physically it does in spirit.
What Bonuses are included?
- The journal is a piece of art and you are encouraged to use it any way you like.
- But I have also included a couple of PDF resources specifically for getting your sewing project off the ground. They can be inserted into the blank pages of your journal. You will be emailed them after you have purchased your journals.
Who is this journal for?
It makes a beautiful gift for yourself or someone else you care about.
That is all I have to say about that.